Student Life

Elevated Day Experience

Don’t be surprised to see day students eating dinner here or staying over for the night: There’s always room for one more at our tables and in our residential houses – by design!
After all, as much as we appreciate a good routine, sometimes life demands a change of plans. Like when you’re trying to finish a group project or reviewing for a big test and staying through evening study hall seems like the ticket to getting the job done. Or during ice hockey season, when sleeping at school instead of commuting means you can roll out of bed and onto the team bus at o-dark-thirty to go to morning practice. And then there are those times when Mom and Dad are traveling and you want to bunk with your best friend or you’re just dying to stay for Formal Dinner and taste the menu that your German classmates designed with the School’s chef. We are always prepared to accommodate and our day students are always welcome.
Weekends here are equally inviting, with opportunities to bring friends who board home with you and a full calendar of social activities, cultural opportunities, and service projects planned by our Student Life team that are yours for the choosing.
Extended-day and short-term boarding opportunities are available at no additional cost to day students. Working parents with long hours or those who may have out-of-town obligations during the academic year find this an especially attractive option
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